Checks Unlimited
Bait and Switch


Same story as everyone else. I sent them a letter saying it was illegal and would be contacting the appropriate authorities.

Company: Checks Unlimited
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: PO Box 17400
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Checks Unlimited
Ad offered checks for $20... We paid by credit card... Checks were received along with an invoice for an additional $48. An angry customer service rep threatened us with a bad credit report if we didn't
Outright Scam - Bait and switch

Checks Unlimited
Rip-off misleading first time offe

Checks Unlimited
Checks Unlimited - DUPLICATE CHECKS

Checks Unlimited
Unlimited checks very limited - Checks - bank

Checks Unlimited
Checks unlimited EXCELLENT Bait and switch

Current - Checks Unlimited
Free Costs Money at ripoff (Check making Co.)

Itp Voip
Are scam rip off bait and switch artists. Promise one rate and charge anothe

Checks Unlimited
Short 100 checks - duplicate checks