EZ Saver
This company has been charging me $14.95 a month for something I know nothing about for at least 4 months!


I noticed that I had a charge to my bank account for $14.95 and I did not have a clue as to what it was for. After speaking with a representative from the bank, I found out that these charges are from a company called EZ Saver and has occurred on my account as far back as 4 months ago. That's a total of $59.80 & I need my money back!

We are in the middle of a recession and times are too hard for a company to be taking money from people account without their permission. It is especially hard on me because I lost my job and I am a single parent of two. I am in no shape to be throwing away any money. I don't know who this company is, what they are about, nor have I ever used any of their services. The representative informed me of this website and when I logged on, I see that their are six reports about this company charging people and they were unaware of it!

From my understanding, they are getting your information when you purchase or order items from the internet. The Better Business Bureau or the FBI needs to look into this situation and this company needs to be banned and shut down for good because what they are doing is illegal!

Company: EZ Saver
Country: USA
Phone: 18003551837
Site: www.ezsaver.com
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Easy Saver
Unauthorized Charges

Easy Saver
Unauthorized charges

Easy Saver
I am charged 14.95 a month by Easy Saver. I do not know how they received my account information. I do not remember ever signing up for Easy Saver

Easy Saver Rewards
Two years ago we ordered an item from Oriental Trading Company. We were unknowingly duped by Easy Saver. We just found out that they have charged us $14.95 a month for a total of $360.00 over the pas

Easy Saver
Unauthorized Charges

Easy Saver
Unknown charges

Easy Saver, Easy Saver
Unathorized Charges

Easy Saver
Unauthorized charge

Oriental Trading/Easy Saver
Unauthorized Charges

Easy Saver
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing Florida