Credit Report America
Attached to a Craigslist job posting is a scam. Cedar Rapids Iowa


I have been helping my sister look for jobs and came across an administrative assitant position in Waterloo Iowa. She clicked on the "Apply Now" button and an e-mail box popped open. She e-mailed she was interested and received a reply back instantly. It described the job position, then stated that since they issue a company credit card, they would need to run a credit report before continuing on. The e-mail came from Steven Wright ( and was a pre fabricated e-mail that does not answer specific questions. (I also tried e-mailing him from 2 addresses and received the same e-mail twice.)

She did do the "free" credit report and then sent it in an e-mail back and has not heard a thing. After reviewing what she sent, I instantly had her cancel her credit card because I feel this "credit reporting company" is a fraud related to these false Job Postings on Craigslist to get your credit card information. I have read several reports on here that have said that the inital charge was $1, then there would be monthly charges of $11.95 or higher each month.

I'm writing this to warn people NOT to fall into this trap. All they want is your credit card number. This is not a legitimate job posting, nor is it a legitimate credit report agency. I'm HOPING that they can't steal her account information, but I don't see how because when I click on her creditors and credit cards, it takes me to a blank page.

I have filed a complaint with the Iowa Attorney General in hopes that this person/people are caught. This is ridiculous!

Company: Credit Report America
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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