My Google Payday/My Internet Payday
Unscrupuous methods and deceptive business practices, not technically illegal but relying on people making mistakes Internet


*notice..!! This ripoff has nothing to do with Google search engine - many rip-off businesses use the Google name to fool consumers.
I'd like to add my name to the list of people who got scammed by these people. I signed in for the initial $1. Went through the first week's material. Two weeks later I realized I hadn't gotten anything further. So I went to the site. And it was gone. (went from mygooglepayday to There was no redirect. I had to dig to find another site, which SEEMED to be right.

Called customer service, who refused to offer any sort of refund on the $79 they charged after the first week. Wouldn't even consider a partial refund.

Okay, I know that TECHNICALLY, they didn't violate any law. There IS a TOS that explained this. But they were crafty about hiding it; they moved their damn site without any notice to me; they gave a WEEK trial when a MONTH trial is far more common because they know people can easily lose track after a week and get screwed.

Illegal? No. Highly unscrupulous? Yes. I will warn everyone to stay away from this and Joel Comm.

Company: My Google Payday/My Internet Payday
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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My Google Payday
Unethical and deceptive practices Online

Google Ad For Home Computer Work / My Internet Payday
They took 78.64 from my bank acct UNAUTHORIZED

Info Media, Inc. - My Internet Payday - Joel Comm
Info Media, Inc. - Joel Comm - My Internet Payday Stole Money From My Account After Cancellation Order and Confirmation of Cancellation Sent Me

Google Money Tree BEWARE - BBB rates F, takes & keeps your money regardless, no way to reach company ONLY 3rd party CSR

Google Money Tree

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Google ATM Told me that it would only cost $1.97 one time charge to ship toolkit to work at home for google and make big money.included testimonals online. Said affiliated with The Google search engine. San Francisco, California

Internet google scam

Joel Comm - MyGooglePayday - InfomediaincJoelComm - Infomediainc - My Internet Payday
Unsubscribed as per contract, removed money from account

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I got scammed Las Vegas Nevada

My Google Joel Comm My Internet
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