Wal-Mart flavor rich ice cream - Groceries


I am a regular shopper at our Wal Mart Supercenter located in Jasper, AL. You no longer supply Blue Bunny Ice Cream or

Mayfield in the gallon container. I bought
the Flavor Rich last week when I needed to

Buy the larger size for a party. And that
is the only brand you carry in the gallon size. It was awful no one liked it and I ended up throwing it out. You still have a

Variety of other Blue Bunny ice cream products, why can't you continue the gallon size container. Thank You. Sandra Lawrence

Company: Wal-Mart
Country: USA
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Est flavor yet, or my favorite anyway - MAPLE WALNUT ICE CREAM

Wal-Mart engages in an Organized Crime ~ overcharging for "IMPULSE" items. My $7.47 IMPULSE IC Ice Cream! Berlin