Magicjack ripoff and scam technologies company internet


Warning warning warning!

Do not buy a magicjack!

Something very bad has happend to magicjack and the service and the quality of the calls have drastically been reduced.

I have had three friends and i personally bought two magic jacks for the house. They lied about the free trial as my bank records show the charge and my available balance was reduced making that money unavailable to me. I was told per tv ad that i would not be charged until after the 30 day trial period. Well after the trial period the money then was returned to my account then taken back out again.

I think thats called some kind of fraud.

Then after the trial period on or right about at 3-08 the callers could not be heard talking any more.
I could not hear callers talking anymore.
I could make a call out and hear the phone ring but then it would just stop ringing and i could not hear the talker talking.

The performance at first was not perfect but most of the time i tryed to use the magicjack it was ok and seemed to get a little better. After all my cell phone time went way down.

But then the calls started to not go through and this has been the case sence 03-08.

I have had to fall back on the cell phone again and just knew this was to good to be true. Both of my mjs are on brand new seperate computers as well as networks. Even all the ones i got for my friends are not working good enough to even still concider using. The quality is very very poor and seems to continue to get worse.

The tech support is very very poor and seems to only know more about being insulted than the problem you are trying to get fixed.

Dont not get one of these magicjacks dont not get one do not get three. You will be very mad at yourself for getting involved with people like magicjack. And you will be even madder if you get the five year block instead of just trying the one year.

Do not make the changes they say to make to your computer as if you cant go back to make them right you will just end up messing up your computer. Never the less the changes they ask you to make have nothing to do with the unit working and then failing in the firstplace.

The service is seriously flawed it is very upsetting that after leaving your computer on turn the screen off at night doing all the things needed to do to use this device for real and you hear the phone ring and pick it up and say hello and all you can hear is yourself talking. Then they hangup on you and call back again hello hello are you there i cant hear you caller.
This so way sucks then after three days of unplug down load update and hey lucky you i cant take no more of this crap and all that ended up happening is getting ripped off through a bunch of i dont give a shit red tape people.

These people lie cheat and steal to get your money and then there is no recourse no returns and your stuck with a unit that will not work anymore.

What magicjack is doing is fraud. It is illegal to sell something that dosent work. They know these are good for only a very short time if at all. After that excuse afater excuse of why your stuck with this scam.

Company: Magicjack
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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MagicJack isn't worth a dime

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