Recordsarea & Click Bank
Are scams who should be stopped! They lie and have no actual website! Lost $39.99 and no way to retrieve it. Electronic check already processed!


Can't believe I fell for this scam! It ruins it for actual websites dealing with the same subject. I paid $39.99, for one year, with an electronic check, and supposedly Click Bank, who even provides a receipt number, handles the money between the customer and the company. What really happened was the money was processed from my account immediately and there is no website to log into.

They sell you with an audio, and visual examples of every category you can imagine you'd ever need! Then you chose your membership, of course the one year seems the best, and pay online. No actual website and I even emailed click bank support and get nothing but vague answers saying it should work!!! I am attempting to get a refund by mailing the online receipt from click bank to their address. Elvis lives!!!

Company: Recordsarea & Click Bank
Country: USA
Phone: 2037940028
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Records Area - Click Bank - Click Bank What they are offering is a scam Click Bank Customer Services Internet - Click Sales - ClickBank Click Bank - Click Sales Total Ripoff! Purchased a year membership, used it 2 times, now i can't access the website without paying for it again!
Rip off!
Online scam

Click Bank / This is the bank that Records Areas use to collect their money. Boise Utah

Click Bank - Sales Inc
Click Bank - - Click Sales Inc TOO many scams under company name to list there is a new one just out not listed under Click Bank yet here it is DAY JOB KILLER

Recordsarea And Clickbank
Another person scammed

As Seen On TV website orders
Order forms deceptive, orders are processed against you bank information as soon as information ordered with no button to click to say 'order' Internet

Click Bank
Background search ripoff

I have had monies due to me for surfing for over a year now and have not been paid