Nature's Best Acai Berry, Amir And Sanchez Neutraceuticals
Unauthorized charges


Responding to their glitzy ad on the internet: i ordered a "free sample" of their product. According to the ad, I would be charged a small $1.99 shipping and handling charge. I received the product about three weeks later with no accompanying paperwork, just an invoice for $1.99. Several days later while checking my bank account, I saw a charge from them for $79.95. When I called them, I was told that by allowing them to charge my credit card for the $1.99 it also allowed them to enroll me in their "program" for the additional charge and also to allow enrollment into two additional programs for which I would also be charged. The person on the phone said I needed to read the paperwork that came with the order, of which there was none, and that it stated the same. This is a total ripoff scheme.

A representative from this company has been rebutting these charges on the consumer websites, but their words are completely false. The numbers they give will hook you up to an offshore boiler room where they will tell you "tough luck". They will not credit your account because they just made a nice profit on their $1.99 free trial offer. I like others have filed reports with the FTC, Arizona Attorney General and BBB, which by the way has given them an "F" rating. I don't plan to stop here and will continue to persue prosecution of this scam company.

Company: Nature's Best Acai Berry, Amir And Sanchez Neutraceuticals
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 5425 E. Broadway, Ste 282
Phone: 8009837968
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SFL Nutrition, LLC
ACAI BERRY FREE TRIAL OFFER except for shipping and handling. Account again billed later

Amir And Sanchez Nutraceuticals
Amir And Sanchez Neutraceutal Amir And Sanchez Nutracueticals Acia Berry "Free Trial" Scam

Amir And Sanchez Nutraceuticals - Acai Berry
Fraud Internet

Amir and Sanchez Nutraceuticals
Unauthorized charges

Amira And Sanchez Nutriaceuticals
Ordered a free 30-day trial of Acai Berry for 4.99 shipping, billed 79 before trial expired

Advanced Wellness Research, Inc - Pure Acai Berry Pro
Hidden enrollment in automatic product "refills" program Nampa Idaho

Amir And Sanchez Nutracueticals
Natures Best Acai Berry There was a free trial offered for $4.99 that I ordered online. I never received the product and they charged my credit card $79.96 and also charged my card $29.95 for some other product without my premission

Amir And Sanchez Nutraceuticals
I ordered a free sample of Natures Best Acai Berry, and got charged a total of $113.00 for 3 products

Mbm&F Bromalite
Charged unauthorized fees to my credit card and sent additional order without my authorization... I have returned the shipment to company

Acai Berry
Unauthorized charges