Psychic Dayle Schear
Scam Artist Fraud Worst Psychic In The World Lizzie Borden psychic reader accurate psychic reader The Lovers The Tower The Chariot


This woman has got the be the absolute worst psychic in the world with the audacity to promote herself like the end all and be all of psychic readers. Schear makes Miss Cleo look like mother Theresa. She fishes for details then she comes back with vague generalities like " Your going to meet a girl with a "G" or a "K" or a "J" in her name. That could be anybody in the phone book. This woman is a big joke who knows how to market herself like the con-artist Miss Cleo. Schear has the nerve hit up casino hotels in order to put on a show where she reads people fortune in front of crowd. Some poor people end up in tears but Schear doesn't care she just keeps on exploiting them. She and all those frauds need to be put out of business. Schear has been doing this most of her life instead of going out and getting a real job. She takes the money of poor confused people and lives off of their sweat. Schear has no conscious. She spuses out vague generalities that she expects you to literally buy into. She is very dangerous to the weak minded. She will tell you about how your life is going to get worse before it gets better. Then she will refer you to some of her friends so they can make money off of you. Schear tries to earn your trust and she acts like she know who you are. Then she tries to force her value system on you and thinks the world revolves according to her narrow warped view of it. She then gives you suggestions that will ultimately make you dependent on her or will lead you into more misery. She is famous for looking into crimes that have not resolve and no one can prove anything. That's no proof of her accuracy it just shows that she knows how to market herself like Miss Cleo the fraud.

I warn anyone considering to do a reading with Schear to reconsider. Do not give your power away to this woman. She will exploit you and if you call her again she will do the same thing. No matter how bad things are you have the power to change things at anytime.

Everything Schear does works against the Law of attraction. The Law of attraction can help you change your life but she tells you " things are going to get worse before they get better." If you buy into this because you paid your $50 and you don't want to feel like you just wasted your money. Statements like this are unempowering. She needs to keep you down so she can make you come back and make a repeat customer out of you.

The law of attraction is the answer. You create a vision for yourself. The danger is that with Schear she will give you HER vision for your life and if you believe what she says you will be living out HER vision for you. Her visions are lies to bring you back to her over and over again. It's like she makes you think you have a bad life like a sickness and in order to make your life better you need her as the treatment (not the cure). If she gave you the cure you would solve all your problems and you wouldn't need to come back. (get it)

The cure is you need to make a vision for yourself. One that you like and are willing work for. This is your power not the doomsday visions of psychics. Do not visit psychic con-artists like Schear who take your money and corrupt your dreams and your life with their lies.

I really hope I have enlightened anyone who has read this review of my personal experience with this fraud.

Company: Psychic Dayle Schear
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Lake Tahoe
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