Sean (Wayne) Ladieu) - Plattsburgh New York Police
Sean (wayne) ladieu a plattsburgh new york police officer hit his wife in the head while whe held their six month old baby boy causing massive bleeding and stitches


I am a friend of the ex-wife of this well known police officer Sean La Dieu. She did not want this to be written because she is still afraid of him and knows he will come after her.

This guy hit his wife from the minute she became pregnant with his first child and did not stop. The last time he hit her is when he threw a sharp object at her head while she held the baby. It hit her so hard it sliced the front of her head open and she had to go to the hospital to get stitches. He ran out of the home as soon as he did this and spent the night in jail. I guess his wife lied to get him out of jail and said she was yelling at him to make him mad. He got away with only going to Violence Intervention Program for a year. There is a police report on file from 1996-97-98???

She also told me when they were married he would bring home cases and cases of beer, skateboards and other various things that he would take from people when he arrested them. He would put them in their garage instead of bringing them to the police station. He also said he totally enjoyed beating up the "white trash" that he ran into and the college kids downtown. He said he had never had so much fun doing it.

When his wife was eight months pregnant with their second child Sean wanted to make some extra money but he was not very smart and apparently very lazy. He had a thing for porn and had quite a porn collection she told me. She said that he had a entire clothes closet full of porn from his parents old store "The Movie Hanger". When it was open Sean would just help himself to movies and keep them. He must have had hundreds and hundreds of movies often leaving them in the VCR in the morning for the kids to stumble upon. Anyways, his wife said that he had this idea that he was going to sell his wife's underwear to dirty perverts on the internet. He had gotten the idea from a crime show or something. He would pour rotten tuna juice in the inner crotch of the panel of the panty and use his wife's name and email to entice customers. She found out when she was very pregnant she said and was horrified. She confronted him but he just yelled at her saying "I am just trying to make some extra f*G money for the family!".

When they met in California she agreed to move back here because he had lied to her saying he had a college degree from the University of Michigan in Criminal Justice and also that he had worked prior for the police department. There was even a long scar on his leg that he said he had gotten while playing football for the University of Michigan.

He was very charming and attentive. He also helped that her father had just died and she had just inherited over $100,000 in cash and stocks. She was very very generous. He talked her into buying him $300 roller blades right away saying he would pay her back. He even moved his things into her house before she even realized what was happening. She just wanted love and had never met someone so sneaky. His stepfather David Vivian however talked to her on the phone and told her not to get involved with Sean but his mother Delores Vivian encoureged her to go ahead and move back here with her son. She moved because she had no family anywhere and thought she would have one here.

She paid all the money to move both of them and became pregnant right away on accident. After she became pregnant the lies started coming out. She found out that he had never been to the University of Michigan or played football there. He had never worked for the Police department. EVERYTHING WAS A LIE! When she found out he punched her right then and there! Like it was her fault. She decided that since she was pregnant she would try her best to keep the family going. She bought them a house and offered to send Sean to school. He was working at the MOVIE HANGAR. A video store for six bucks an hour. The Movie Hangar closed and he had no job and had quit a job that he had after that and was pretending to go to work every day at a paper supply company.

She helped him sign up for Clinton Community college a full course load figuring it should be the man of the family to finish his degree first. This was Spring time. He left every morning to go to school and would come home around three pm... This went on for weeks and then months. The only thing that was funny was that Sean never studied and he never had brought books home. He said that he never had homework or that he did it at school. The semester ended and his wife wanted to see what grades he got and he said all A's!!! But she never got to see the grades. Finally she called the school and asked for his grades and they said that he never attended that semester!!! Ouch! She said when he was confronted he lied and said they were lying and made up all sorts of lies until she found someone who had seen him at the golf course on a daily basis all semester. So instead of going to school everyday he was playing golf at his parents golf course and pocketed all the money she gave him for school. Why did'nt his parents say anything either? HE DOES NOT HAVE A DEGREE FROM ANYWHERE! He took maybe a semester at clinton. Dont even know if that is true?

He had at least two affairs that she knows about. The first one she knows of is with a girl at CVPH hospital when he was a security guard there. She worked in the mental health unit and he and another guard named Billy would have an affair with her and another woman. His baby was only a few months old at the time and his wife was a full time nursing student. He hid it for awhile but eventually she found out by hiding a tape recorder in the basement and attaching it to the telephone and recording their conversation on the phone. Even though he was caught in the act of calling his own wife his "roomate" he denied doing it and having a affair. This man has a sickness and is a pathological liar and believes his own lies. The last affair she knows about her last and third child had recently been born and he was having an affair with a woman named chantell. He would tell his wife and children that he was going to "hunting Camp" (the guy never hunted in his life) every weekend he was off and during the week. His wife found matchbooks on the table from places in Canada but he still denied being somewhere else. He eventually left and told her she was a terrible wife and mother and that was why he was leaving her. She had a nervous breakdown after this and ended up in the mental hospital for a week but who can blame her!

She filed for divorce and it was granted on the grounds of
There is a copy on file at the court house.

This 38 year old police officer enjoys cruising by the college bars and attempting to pick up very young girls to date him. It is absolutely disgusting as most of the little girls he wants are 2o and he will not take no for an answer and he uses his uniform to try to impress you. Do not fall for it! He has a live in girlfriend right now named JENNIFER AIKEN and she is 25 years old that is 13 years younger than him. No big deal but he has lied to this poor girl and she believes all the things that he used on his ex-wife. He has kept the ex-wife and the girlfriend very seperated so she will never never find out the truth about SEAN WAYNE LADIEU. There are soooooooooo many more lies and things that Sean did but this is getting so long. I am not afraid of him but his wife does not want trouble for her or her kids. She is not perfect either and he will retaliate.

The divorce decree with all this information above is on file for all to see and more and the arrest record is on file also. PLEASE SOMEBODY WARN JENNIFER L AIKEN BEFORE SHE GETS REALLY REALLY HURT if you are her friend make her see because he is soooo evil.

HE NEVER RACED MOTORCYCLES EITHER!!! -this is the latest lie!

somewhere out there, Kentucky

Company: Sean (Wayne) Ladieu) - Plattsburgh New York Police
Country: USA
State: New York
Phone: 5185633411
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