Complete Scam, stole my money and no communication at all! No contact details given and certainly not based in UK


I have never experienced web scams before so I am completely shocked about this. I was looking for a cheap logo design for my new business and was really pleased when I found this website. Well how wrong was I.

I paid 25 on the 9th February and was promised (according to their website) that I would receive my logo (6 designs) in 1-3 days. Its 14th February now and I still have not received anything.

I managed to catch this Mark person online last night and he said that I would get my logo in the next 24hrs. Nothing received. I am also pretty sure that there is no person called Mark. The person can't speak english and clearly does not understand the questions which he is asked.

I have asked for a refund now, but I just don't seem to get anything back from this con company. I wish there was a way of warning people about this scam. Who knows what kind of criminal activity is funded through this!!!

Does anyone have any idra how I can get my money back?

United Kingdom

Company: 25poundlogo.co.uk
Country: USA
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25poundlogo - 50dollarlogo
Unimaginative poor-quality logo designs & delay in refund

American Secretarial Services
Ripoff It was all a scam!

25poundlogo 50dollarlogo
MY bad experience London

Unsatisfactory, unhelpful, liars, disappointing, unprofessional

1st Logo Design
Jess F Moreno Online Logo design won't finish logo or complete revisions in timely manner STAY AWAY!

Logo Design

50 Dollar Logo
Is A Scam! 50 dollar logo (fifty dollar logo) claim to be able to design your logo for $50. They take your money and do no further work and will not respond to any of your emails or requests

Gary Simon
Garysimon.net, Gary Simon Logo Creation takes money but doesn't fulfill his promises

Best Logo Creation
They don't believe in total satification at all and steal money

Complete Scam, Lousy customer service, beware. Great at marketing lousy at delivering. This company proves the old mantra 'you get what you pay for'. London United Kingdom