Wildlife World Zoo And Aquarium
Worl Wildlife Zoo, Horrible homes for animals in zoo


This place is absolutely horrible. The animals have athese little, closed in quarters, everything is so small and compact, and the animals, especially the predators are so close to the people its amazing nobody has gotten hurt. The predators (lions, tigers, leopards, panthers, ect.) are seperated by a simple chain link fence that looks something like a giant doggie kennal. The most terrifing part of our day was when wewent to go look at the panthers and saw not three/four feet above us, a very agitated leopard that was snapping at us from above. The scary part was the fact that this very angry animal was only seperated from us by two simple chain link fences up top of us. It was an absolute waste of 120 dollars and a perfectly good thursday afternoon, and i hope that when people read this, they will not go to this place. Truat me, its not worth the effort.

Company: Wildlife World Zoo And Aquarium
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 16501 W. Northern Ave
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