Nadya Suleman
Do not give monetary donations to Nadya Suleman's Family Website


I highly suggest that you don't give monetary donations to Ocu-mom the woman who had the 8 babies. Please note that this woman does not have a job, she owes $60,000 in student loans, has filed bankruptcy and is going to end up on welfare. She's a scammer and is a selfish narcissist. She's now trying to play on the empathy of the world. Also, legally she's not a 501C3 and can't technically raise money online (she's not a tax exempt organization).

If you aren't aware of her story, she's the woman who has six kids (first round by invitro) and then her second round of IVF she ended up having 8 more kids. She isn't married and doesn't have a partner in the picture. Her family had to give up their home and even her own mother claims she's unfit and shouldn't have kids. The 6 kids she has now are crammed into a 3 bedroom house.

This woman is a scamming pathetic loser so please do NOT give this woman any money. She doesn't deserve it and will use to get another collagen injection in her lips or get her nails done.

Company: Nadya Suleman
Country: USA
State: California
City: Whittier
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