W. Talent Or W. Management
Mean spirited scam artists


My son signed up with W. Talent. They required $2600 for books, classes, gym, etc. Several weeks after I cosigned the loan to help him get started he reported they had not contacted him and given him anything.

To make matter worse; he got tired of waiting and not hearing back from them and opted to not attend the agencies course. He notified the loan company who settled his account, but W. Talent would not release the loan back to the loan company. After they did, they threatened to ruin his credit.

Then they filed a delinquency report with the credit bureaus, and filed the credit delinquency under my social security number, not my sons. It dropped my credit scores 200 points.

They claim I owe them money, but I never did any business directly with them. Furthermore, they never contacted me about this money is supposedly owe them, I found out by checking my credit scores.

Had they notified me as any reputable company would have, I would have paid them (if I owed them). I have tried to correct this but they do not list an address, phone number or any contact information on line or through the credit bureau.

What credible company keeps their contact information concealed? If they are legitimate, why did they not try to work this out, rather than try to ruin my son, and punish me by accident as a result.

Stay clear of them.

Company: W. Talent Or W. Management
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
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