Grant Resource Guide
They sold me a blank CD


I saw this company on the internet and bought the CD on how to get government grant.

They charged me for shipping only on a trial basis. When I received the CD, it was blank. No instructions came with the CD. Just a CD and nothing else.

This another company hiding behind the internet to rip people off. I stop buying things on the internet awhile back. I will again stop trusting doing business on the internet. I advise others to do the same.

Company: Grant Resource Guide
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 5348 Vegas Dr., Suite 866
Phone: 8002351364
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Grant Research Guide And Resource
Grant research guide and resource ripped me off Las Vegas Nevada internet

Get-My-G / Easy USA /50 Million / New Grants / GRG
Get-My-G / Easy USA /50 Million / New Grants / Grant Resource Guide, GRG Charged my Bank Account $49.50 for 3 months under 3 different names after ordering New Grant CD for $4.70 Las Vegas

Grant Research Guide
I paid $1.95 to get resources for a grant on line and it won't let me on the web site INTERNET

Grant Resource Guide
The Grant Resource guide is a guarantee ripoff

Grant Resource Guide
Charged me 2.95 for a cd with no information, plus charged my bank account 49.95 for information I was suspose to receive by e-mail and never got

Grant Resource Guide
Scam - Rip Off Artist - Scoundrals -liers - cheaters - Stealers

Grant Resource Guide
I received a blank cd

Grant Resource Guide
Scam rip-off, thieves!

Grant Everyday, Aka Grant Resource Guide
Grant Everyday 2 U All Reading This-REMEMBER THIS COMPANY NAME-grant Everyday (aka GRG) will send you an instructional CD for $2.95... Along with the CD you'll get alot of extra surprises for free

Grant Guide
Grant Research Charged my Credit Card $49.50 which was suppose to be FREE paying only shipping