Bottom Two Investments, Super Foods 12
Ripoff scam


I ordered a free trial of Super food 12 for $4.95 Shipping and handling from my debit account and then I recieved another bottle in the mail on Janurary 26. I called my bank to see if any further money was taken out of my account and they found that Bottom Two Investment had charged my account $74.45.

I got the phone number from my bank to Bottom Two Investments and I called to find out what the problem was. The customer service rep was very rude to me and then I became very upset. I told her that I did not give them authorization, nor did I order anymore of their product, she then stated that I did not read the" terms and condition" and I told her that I did, and that it did not state any of the conditions that she had stipulated to me, she then told me that I needed to look it up on the web site, I then asked for a Supervisor and she had me talk to a man that stated that he was a Supervisor and he was just as rude when I explained what happened, he then said that I still had to pay for this and that they would not refund or take the Superfood 12 back.

I told the Supervisor that not only am I going to send it back, but that he better cancell these orders. I am a very smart person, I read everything before I make such foolish decisions. I am filing a complaint with the Ohio Attourney General and I hope that these people get caught with this scam and sued or shut down.

When I recieved the product I did not get an invoice or any informtion about how or when I was going to recieve any more of this product. The pills had no milligram number not even a name on the pills. This is dangerous. I had to cancel my debit card and I await further response from Bottom Two Investment, my bank and The Ohio Attourney General. I will not rest until my money is returned to me.

I did check the web site and the website appearded to be different and they changed the price on the product. I had checked it periodically and it keeps changing.

This cannot posibly be a legitamate company. This is nothing but a scamm..

Company: Bottom Two Investments, Super Foods 12
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: 110 W 9 Street #665
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