Love Technologies Inc - Face To Face Technologies Inc
Canceled - Charged anyways - No Contact information, contacts invalid, SCAM


On 1/16/09 a nice young lady knocked on my door, using the phrase "Hi, i just wanted to meet the cool neighbors". So, i figured she was a new neighbor and let her in to my home. Soon, i realised that she was a door to door magazine sales woman.

She gave me her spiel, how she was earning money to go to college, and traveling the world in the process, etc. Etc. She seemed genuinely nice. She started talking about her magazines, that if i order some, she gets commission, and points towards her college. Also, a proceed goes to the troops, and i proceed to the Diabetes association of america.

So, i am normally very suspicious of sales people, but she seemed very nice, and it seemed like a legitimate company. She was willing to show me her ID card, and give me company contact information, so i decided to order some magazines. Well, after writing a $165 dollar check to her, she basically packed up and split, on to "slam" the next person, as she referred to it. Well, talking to my friends the following day, they told me that i should call and cancel that order, as soon as possible, because it is most likely some sort of scam.

So, i faxed in my cancellation, and did everything that it told me to do on the back ot the receipt given to me. I was told that they would simply destroy my check, and that would be that.

10 days AFTER i canceled my order, they cashed my check. I tried contacting them through the email address and the telephone number that was listed on the receipt, and have gotten no response from the email address. The telephone number is always busy, or asks you to leave a message, before telling you the inbox is full.

I talked to my bank, and because it was a check, and not electronic, there is nothing they can do for me, or so they say. I filed a complaint with the better business bureau, and a police report with my local sherriff (who told me he has taken about 20 of these reports in the past two weeks...). But, now i am out $165 with no help from the bank, and no way to get a hold of this company. My bank told me to settle it in small claims court, but i cant do that without a way to get a hold of the company. Has anyone else had issues with this company?

If a sweet little blonde girl comes knocking on your door, wanting to meet the cool neighbors and gets some help paying for college — SLAM THE DOOR AND LOCK IT& AND HOLD YOUR CHECK BOOK CLOSE FOR A FEW DAYS.

Company: Love Technologies Inc - Face To Face Technologies Inc
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Golden
Address: PO BOX 18352
Phone: 3036748252
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American Cash Rewards / Love Technologies / Face To Face Technologies
Took my money for a magazine and then never delivered!

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American Cash Rewards Someone claiming to be a college student came to my door selling bogus magazine subscriptions. The receipt I was given had Face to Face Technologies on it, and when I looked it up, it was a scam

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Face To Face Technologies INC
Scam at doo

Face To Face Technologies
Door to door magazine sales scam

Face To Face Technologies
FaceToFace Technologies New Twist to the usual scam of door to door magazine sales ripoff