NCO jokes and alias's


As I have seen on many sites NCO Financial is quite a rude and abusive organization. I called just to get an address and was givin the 3rd degree by some screaming INDIAN lady. She wants the last four of my Social, my home phone, which she already had as she called me
and also said I HAVE IT RIGHT HERE ON CALLER ID so why ask me or it. So she is screaming I'm laughing and ask why she feels she needs to yell at me after all I just want an address, then to really piss her off I mention FDCA, that gets her rolling in a whole new direction,

HAVE A SHERIFF THERE INSIDE OF 5 MINUTES I calmly ask why would a sheriff be coming as he could not do anything without proof. She then attacks me personally
name calling deadbeat pay your bill I'll call your employer and see what he thinks about all this. I again calmly say well now that you have broken Lets see about 6 of my rights per FDCA would you like to continue or give me the addrss I requested she hung up.

I called back and was put on hold, not to long a couple minutes, another lady answered and asked how she might help me. I told her first the crazy lady still screaming
in the background needs to shut up so I can hear you. She gives me address with no problem with the crazy still screaming the whole time. What should have been a 5 minute phone call and an easy answer turned into a 15 minute verbal barrage all for an address. Oh ya she has a male call and leave the message to call her back under an alias of Michael Unitees, what a crock oh and they still have not sent me letter of validation going
on 40 days now, guess I should get me an alaia like her so when I call she wont yell at me

Company: Nco
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Horsham
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