Nuvell Credit Company
Missing Payment? Company closing? Where did it go?


I will start off by saying I am not behind on any payments. Nor have I ever been late or short a payment with Nuvell Credit. For the record I will state that I have paid more then what was owed have accrued a positive balance with them.

On January 19th I received a call from an employee of Nuvell. He identified himself and told me they had not received my payment and would like to collect a check by phone. This is the exact way he said it. I chuckled and told him I sent a payment in on the 12th of January like I always do. He then proceeded to question my employment and verify my identity. He then asked if I was still employed I replied yes and he then asked why I didn't pay them. I repeated myself and replied I sent my payment in like I always do.

This is where it gets good, he tells me he needs me to do a check by phone for $430.00. Now this sent up red flags a lot of red flags. Here is the reason my payment is $428 a month I pay $430 to $440 depending on the month and time of year, plus my statement reads as follows (payment amount) (total due) $370.00.
I ask him what my normal payment amount was he said $430?? Thinking he's confused I ask him well what did I owe this month. He says $430 and he would like to do a check by phone. I politely told him that I will not and that the payment was sent the 12th and it should have arrived by now (for a note the 19th was Dr Martin Luther King day). I then tell him that I will check and see if it cleared my bank. I have 24 online banking. Before I could get to the computer he was trying to get off the phone so I figured no harm in that. A few minutes later I called back in to them ands poke with another employee she was polite and some what helpful. I told her my check hadn't cleared and that It was sent on the 12th (Note: my payment is due on the 14th of every month) she said that the person before had noted that on the account. I told her I would check into this and that it I would wait one more day for it come through and if not I would place a stop payment on the check and issue a new one.

Two days go by still nothing and I send a new one. Well tonight I find out that the company is closing and will no longer be doing loans. And they are laying off hundreds of employees. WOW now I know why they didn't get my payment, some looser in processing probably figured that he was loosing his job any ways and did even bother to apply or process the check. My question is has this happened to any one else and does the scenario above sound plausible... Also why would they lie about the amount owed couldn't they just read the screen and see the correct amount???

Company: Nuvell Credit Company
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Memphis
Address: Box 2365
Phone: 8003503561
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