Florida Keys Real Estate
Florida keys real estate - crime real bad - do not buy


Anyone looking to buy real estate in the florida keys should be very cautious. Crime here and criminals are very bad.

The county sheriff bob peryam is very bad when it comes to prosecuting locals because they are part of the bubba system...

Local business people now pleading for the new state attorney dennis ward to take action againt these criminals..

Dear Dennis,

It has been brought to my attention that about a year ago a boat was stolen in Key West which I believe is grand theft and should be brought to trial or at the very least an investigation should be done.in this particular case it seems that neither was done. That it was called a civil case. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that stealing a boat is not a civil matter. It has caused great hardship on the family that owned the boat. It was not just a boat for recreation but a boat that was used commercially to provide an income. The family that is the victim is from Ohio. This is the last thing that we need in the Keys is for justice not to be done. We rely on tourism down here and what we don't want is for these beautiful islands to get a bad reputation that when something happens everyone just looks the other way.

I truly am urging you to conduct an investigation into the matter. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Kim Bagnell Thaler
Coldwell Banker Schmitt Real Estate
Broker Associate
Cel. (305) 393-2787
Direct. (305) 289-6622
Office. (305) 664-4470
Fax. (305) 664-4111

Dear Mr. Ward,
I realize that you have not taken office yet, but I have become painfully aware that an injustice may have taken place approximately 18 month ago.

Mr. Robert Krutko of Columbus, OH, formerly of Cudjoe Key has contacted me via the internet to help him get a formal investigation of the circumstances leading to the theft of his 45' boat, the subsequent sale of same, and the reversal of that sale.

I am a long time resident of the Keys and love them dearly. Certainly this man's claims of inside dealing, and poor law enforcement can be quelled by a proper investigation, which he claims never took place. Please make this case one of your first orders of business for the new year.

Paula Nardone

Dear Mr. Ward & Mr. Barrett:
I am writing to urge you to re-open the case involving the theft of a 45-foot boat belonging to Robert K.

I'm sure you are familiar with this case because many others have written to you on behalf of Mr. K and his family.

Mr. K is calling on Keys businesses and residents to write to you on his behalf and is posting negative messages about crime in the Keys in as many places as he can on the internet. He is very angry and very persistent

This is a problem from many different fronts. First and foremost, if he is fairly representing his story, he and his family have been mistreated by the law, have suffered great personal and financial loss, and have not been given the opportunity to receive justice due to them. Second, these criminals have not been punished and may be victimizing others, or planning to victimize others as I write. Third, this is certainly a negative public relations message and may affect the decisions of anyone thinking of vacationing, doing business in, or purchasing homes anywhere in the Florida Keys.

As a partner in businesses located in the Keys, I am concerned about Mr. K's negative public relations campaign against Realtors in the Keys, and against the Keys in general, and I respectfully request you to use the powers of your position to do what is necessary to bring this matter to justice.

Thank you.
Patty Massare

"We become what we think about"
Patty Massare
Broker/Owner/Chief Operations Officer
CENTURY 21 Prestige Realty Group
6715 Tippecanoe Road, Bldg C-101
Canfield, OH 44406
phone: 330-533-8600 fax: 330-533-8616
patty. Massare@c21prestigerealty.com

And there are many more letter sent.

My name is Kevin Mc I own and operate Amelia River Cruises & Charters in Fernandina Beach, Florida.in the fall of 2006 my wife and I drove to Key West to look at a few commercial tour boats that were for sale. We looked at a 45' 49 passenger U.S. Coast Guard Inspected vessel that was chained to the dock at the Ocean Key House Resort. The asking price was $110,000 the broker informed me that there were outstanding dock fees and that is why the vessel had been chained to the dock. I expressed an interest and told the broker that I would make an offer in a week or so.

Two days latter the broker called to inform me that the vessel was to be auction off the very next morning at the Ocean Key House Resort and that the hotel had taken possession of the vessel for the delinquent dock fees and the starting bid would be $61,000.

The next morning I called the Resort and spoke with the manager Mr. Steve Boswell I asked him if in fact the vessel was to be auctioned off that morning his response was yes and then he handed the phone to his attorney Allen Eckstein. I asked Mr. Eckstein if the Resort now owned the vessel and if there were any other outstanding leans on the vessel. Mr. Eckstein told me that the Resort did now own the vessel and that there were no other outstanding leans. I them called the broker to ask if he could attend the auction on my behalf, I authorized him to bid up to $71,000 plus a 10% broker fee for him. At 10:15 that morning I received a call form the broker that the boat was mine for $71,000. I received a bill of sale from attorney Eckstein and took possession of the vessel.

After a month in dry dock and with about $20,000 in repairs my wife and I were sailing our new tour boat from Marathon Key north to Amelia Island Florida. We stopped in Miami that first night and I received a phone call From Mr. Robert Krutko, Robert explained to me that I did not own the vessel and that it had been stolen from him. I then called Attorney Eckstein he assured me that the vessel was in fact mine and the everything had been done lawfully, My next call was to a Maritime Attorney in Miami I explained my situation to him,
his first question to me was did the Resort arrest the vessel and was there a U.S. Marshal at the auction my answer was no. The Attorney then told me that I in fact could not own the vessel and that the transaction in his opinion was not done poperly.

By this time we were on our way to Ft. Lauderdale and I had made arraignments to stop at First Performance Marina for some engine repair. Just as we were pulling in to the marina we were boarded by the U.S. Coast Guard and then the Broward County Sheriffs Department they looked at my bill of sale they both told me that the bill of sale was not worth the paper it was written on. I then made arraignments with the marina to leave the boat there and we returned to north Florida that was the last time I saw the boat and I was out $91,000. I then hired an attorney in Jacksonville and after about a month of haggling the resort did return my purchase price of $71,000 and the broker did return his 10% fee.

I am out at lest $20,000 and the hole ordeal has been a nightmare. I am convinced that the Ocean Key House Resort, Mr. Steve Boswell, Attorney Allen Eckstein and Mr. John Evens the young man that hot-wired and then removed the vessel from Cudjoe Bay and returned it back to the resort all participated in the Grand theft of this vessel. I am also convinced that had the Monroe County Sheriff's Department the F.W. C and the States Attorney's office in Key West had done there jobs I would not have had to endure this nightmare. Mr. Krutko and I do not have the financial were with all to go after this type of injustice and I am very disappointed in the way this has been handled by those governmental organization that are sworn to up hold the laws in this state.
Kevin Mc

We have e mails from state officials, even monroe county detective along with U.S. Coast guard officials confirming grand theft.

Still not even an investigation?

They have tried hard to cover this up but we will not stop until these serious criminals are brought to justice...

Company: Florida Keys Real Estate
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Mark E Kohl
Fraud, liar, crook, scumbag, beware customers

Island Concierge - Key West Island Concierge
Promote local crook-thief

Hyatt Key West Resort And Marina
Beware guests criminal works here

Mark E Kohl State Attorney, monroe County Mark Kohl State Attorney, mark E Kohl
Ignored crime, ignored grand theft, derelict of duty

Governor Charlie Crist
Florida family need help he and his office dont give a damn ripoff

Hydro Thunder Watersports, Old Town Tours Inc
Hydro Thunder Watersports, Old Town Tours theft, stole yacht, liar, crook, thief

Noble House Hotels & Resorts
Commits grand theft by stealing yacht

Kellogg & Kimsey Inc
Kellogg & Kimsey, Slandered and ridaculed my family, Making fun of victims of crimes

Mtm Management - mtm Luxury Lodging - fst Asset Managemwnt
Mtm Management - mtm Luxury Lodging - fst Asset Management ripoff current manager commited grand theft support thieves

Gerald M Bailey Commisioner F.d.l.e
Sworn police officers ignored grand theft, sworn to protect and do nothing, derelict of duty, refuse to do their sworn jo