Providian National Bank
Action on my wage for an account I never open


In February 1999 I went to bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and after that I spent years covering my living expenses straight out of my paychecks, now I'm told that Providian issued a credit card on my name. It wasn't until a few monts ago that I got from my Bank (Washington Mutual) a credit line for $500.00. And I felt motivated to repair my credit. I made some advance, then, suddenly my score was lowered by 7 points and soon I understood why: I was defaulted for a delinquent account I never requested or used.

I received a letter (mailed to the house of my girlfriend's aunt) by a collecting firm, Altman, Altman & Cooper from New York telling me that if I don't respond disputing the debt, they'll assume the debt is valid. I mailed my dispute, certified, and they called me to cynically assure me I got that credit card, used it and made payments for some time and they gonna proceed to collect the money. According to this letter the original creditor was Providian National Bank, then the debt was sold to New Century Financial Services Inc.

Over the phone a representative from AA&C told me I was defaulted in 2003 and the case was handled by another firm. He said that I made my last payment in I told him that I came to Florida in March when I was collecting unemployment benefits checks and I was making no payments to any credit cards, but they just kept repeating themselves.

I have the sense these institutions pave they way to court to get us defaulted, preying upon us like vultures upon a dead cow. Help, Please!

Company: Providian National Bank
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
City: Tilton
Address: 295 Main St
Phone: 6032864346
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