FWM Laboratories
Mis Leading Advertisement for Acai Berry Capsules Beware of Over Charged Credit Card


On/about 12/9/08, I saw an ad on the internet advertising that I could received the acai berry capsule and also the detox products for only $3.95 each.

I submitted my credit card for each one at the price that they advertised. After submitting my credit card information, I researched the product and saw what others who had been scammed by this company and I panicked and couldn't wait to receive my next billing on my credit card.

After receiving my credit card bill, I was also billed for the $3.95 as well as $87.13 for an acaiberry detox product that I did not receive. I talked with
a person from this FWM Lab today and told him I terrified I was that I was charged for a product that I had not received. He told me that the product was shipped out on 1/12/09. I then told him that I would be shipping the product back to them and that I wanted to cancel both subscriptions of which I did not know that I was subscribing.

I told him that I was going to report them to the BBB and that it was wrong to scam people like they are doing.

I have since cancelled the credit card that I submitted to these people. I think that it the best way out of this scam.

I hope others will do the same. Because I believe this is the only way that you will not have further charges, according to others that I have seen report from.

Company: FWM Laboratories
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
Address: 3007 Greene Street
Phone: 8669490138
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Acai Berry Detox
Credit card charges

FWM Labs (express Berry)
I ordered a free sample of Acai Berry Detox. I would only have to pay shipping costs

Acai Berry Detox
Credit Card Scam

Acai Berry Detox

Acai Berry
Charged my credit card three times for a product I did not receive or authorize

Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorized Charges

Acai Berry
Unauthorized charges

Acai Berry Detox

Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorized billing

ACAI Berry Detox - FWM Laboratories
FWM Laboratories - ACAI Berry Detox, continued to charge my credit card several times after cancellation - still have not been refunded