The Fleming Organization
Don't waist your time, it's a scam!


My message is no different that any of those that you will read about the Fleming Organization, TMF Marketing or Terron Montre Fleming. This company will do nothing but waist your time.

You will submit to a $35 drug test, and then go though two days of orientation. I'm not sure what happens past that, no one has made it. Both days we were all there Terron either didn't show up at all or strolled in around noon. The receptionist doesn't have a phone or computer. Terron keeps the phone locked up in his office. What company doesn't want there phone answered?

The poor receptionist would sit there for hours with nothing to do. They claim to be busy, but you never see clients or any other employees. The Sarah that works here and claims to have met Megan, never happened. We all still talk Terron. The first day, we got SCREAMED at for calling Terron's personal cell phone because HE was 3 hours late and we didn't know what to do. And, McMahon, before you say he didn't scream, he did, he was on speaker phone! How unprofessional. I guess Terron was going to let us sit there all day, because he sure didn't call anyone. We were then sent home. Since when does a death shut down business for the entire company? Then, day two came and he was again 3 hours late.

Everything Johnny Begood said is exactly true. He was one of the new hires there with me. I like how Mike McMahon answers all the complaints, yet none of us has met you. I think you might just be another one of Terron's personalities. As far as Terron being a kid, he is. He's 22. This is a fact; we got this information from the Ellisville police. I agree that young people can own their own business, I know a couple that do, but they are legit. They have employees and customers. You can walk in at anytime and see business being conducted, unlike the Fleming Organization. I like how you dropped the name Eric Trump, as Terron said, Donald's right hand man. Whatever happened with that meeting? Anyone affiliated with Donald Trump would laugh at this company.

Terron did claim to have a long background in selling cars at Auffenberg and Nissan in Alton, and also claimed to work in a hotel. This came straight from his mouth. He also claimed to go to SIUE, yet he is not even old enough to be a college grad yet. He has quite the long background of employment for only being legal to work for 6 years; he's graduated college, worked for 2 car dealerships, worked for a hotel for 4 years, and managed to open 2 marketing firms. WOW! Now that is impressive! Oh, and he does claim to make not 6 figures a year but 8. That one made me laugh. You would think that if he made that kind of money he would own a building, not rent ONE tiny office. He claims to drive a Saturn. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a Saturn, I drive one, but I can tell you if I made 10 plus million dollars a year I wouldn't. We later found out that he drives a beat up gold car with the bumper tied on. Sounds like a millionaire to me.

McMahon, you and Terron need to get on the same page. He did promise laptops and cell phones. It was after six months, not a year. And, we were told probation was 30 days not 90. It looks like you guys might need to go over the training manual together. And yes, most employers do give computers and phones on the first day if they are needed for the job. You act like none of us have had other jobs. I had my own computer and phone ready for me before I got to any other job I've ever had that required them. You don't even give the receptionist a phone or computer. What a joke. The receptionist is usually the busiest position, yet yours had nothing to do. Sounds like a busy company to me.

As far a Jennifer goes, that claim is bogus. Jennifer, if you read this, we will all stand up on your side including the building management. It's funny, I spoke with the Ellisville police today and they have no knowledge of Terron's safe being turned in to them. I'm SURE there is a misunderstanding. You claim to be on such good terms with the building management, yet they've told all of us different. I don't know who you are trying to convince, we're not all crazy.

McMahon, I like how you claimed Johnny to be my father. Why would he use a fake name? He didn't use one when he talked to Terron on the phone. I also like how you try to use his middle initial, like you have some inside source. It's called Google. That's how we all got our information on you. I'm guessing if you actually knew what you were talking about, you would be able to put his full middle name down. He gave you his first and last. I'm also guessing since you claim Terron was in a meeting when he and my father had this conversation, you heard Terron say that he does illegal background checks through his friend at the Shiloh police Dept. I'm glad we have a witness of him saying that. That was going to be a hard one to prove. I thought background checks were your job? Oh wait, it is because you are the same person. I guessing your meeting wasn't that busy, or Terron wouldn't have been able to take part in a 45 minute conversation. Who answers there personal cell phone in a business meeting? My guess would be someone conducting a one man meeting. You just keep proving everyone's point of how unprofessional this company is over and over again.

Oh, and Terron does fire people for looking at him wrong. Another girl and I were fired because we googled the company and asked questions about it. This is something I would do with any company I worked for. I like to be knowledgeable about the company I'm working for. However, the only info I could find on you guys was that you are a scam. He claimed we didn't trust him. He was right; we don't and have good reason not to. You can say anything you want McMahon, but the fact of the matter is, you've never been seen and probably don't exist.

Since you claim to exist, your e-mails that you sent out said that me and the other event coordinator would be training with Kevin and the two HR guys would be training with you. Why weren't either of you guys at the Ellisville location? Terron was three hours late, but why weren't you guys there? McMahon, you claim to be between the ages of 44-50, yet your writing skills are at about a 3rd grade level. It's pretty obvious why you work for a 22-year-old. You claim to know about the media, but if you knew anything, you would know that rule #1 is always to proofread everything before it's released. Once again, you prove how professional and intelligent the employees of this company are. You say you guys have all these employees; can't one of them proofread your work? I would recommend it, so at least you can sound like an intelligent adult. Also, why does everything have to be a racial issue? No one ever said anything about your race. You seem a little insecure.

Oh, as far as identity theft goes, you claim no one's identity has been stolen. Not true. You did a credit check on me, but instead of doing it like a legitimate company; you used my information and pretended to be me to get my free credit report. Yes, I signed saying you could run my credit. I did not say you could open an account as me! And yes, I do have proof, and I'm not the only person you did this to.

You guys claim to be so professional and a legit organization, yet you can't even pay the fee to get the proper credit report. Don't worry; we're still talking to the police about this one. It is illegal, incase you didn't know. Also, speaking of illegal, Terron guessed when he was putting my and another girl's tax info in the computer. Which from my understanding, he entered both of them in wrong. Shouldn't this be your job McMahon? Don't worry, we have a witness. Speaking of your job, my bank said it was never contacted by you guys for direct deposit. So, I guess you weren't going to pay us even if we did stick it out. I'm sure you'd have some bogus excuse.

So, this message is to anyone who is looking into this company or been scammed by this company. If you're looking into it, you may want to go somewhere else. I don't want anyone else to go through this. I promise you, if you pursue employment, you will not meet anyone but Terron, and you will either get fired for something stupid or you will get fed up of waiting hours everyday to do nothing and quit. Either way you will waist your time and not get paid. The rest of you that got scammed,

I recommend you check your credit report, you will not see the Fleming Organization anywhere on it. I recommend you put a freeze on it and also change your banking info if you gave it to these people. Also, make a complaint to the Attorney General, and the Ellisville Police. Also, contact the labor board for not getting paid. I've talked to the Labor board and the police and was told by both that it is illegal for them not to pay us. We have to be paid at least minimum wage for any time we spent there. You would think, being the huge organization they are, they would know the laws. I'm still not exactly sure what the scam is yet, but I have a few ideas. We're still talking to the police, so I don't want to give anyone a heads up.
My guess is that Terron is all these other employees. So, if you're looking into the Fleming Organization, LOOK OUT!!!

A word of advice Terron, you probably shouldn't deal with educated people, they catch on to your scam quick. Maybe you should try to find people more your speed. The 16-18 age groups probably don't have much experience. They would probably believe your stories any play your game a little longer.

Company: The Fleming Organization
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Ellisville
Address: 15620 Manchester Road
Phone: 8773237238
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The Fleming Organization, Inc
The Fleming Organization, Inc. Is Fraudulent. Terron Montre Fleming Knows Nothing about Business. Possible Illegal Actions Committed

The Fleming Organization, TMF Marketing
Appears to be a very shady company, and those interested be aware before investing too much time Manchester, Ellisville

The Fleming Organization - TMF Marketing
Appears to be a very shady company, and those interested be aware before investing too much time

Terron Montre Fleming - The Fleming Organization
Employment scam, possible identity theft

The Fleming Organization

Terron Fleming - TMF Marketing Online
Falsifies Information - Lies - Slanderous - Libellous - Fraud

The Fleming Organization
Beware fraud company takes advantage of employees and does not actually do any work. St louis

Terron Fleming-aka-Mark Ballard-TMF-Marketing-Online-TMF-Marketing-USA
Terron Fleming - aka - Mark Ballard

TMF Marketing USA
Terron Montre Flemming False Advertisement & possible ID Scam

TMF Marketing
Hired, worked there and never paid