Bottom Two Investments
Rip Off Artist Deleware


Rip off Artist
I ordered "free trial" of Super food 12 for $4.95. A few weeks later I received another shipment. When I called to questions why and return it I was told it could not be returned. I realized then I was tricked onto some auto shipment deal. I had accessed this from a different website but where no terms or conditions were listed. When I tried to explain this they said there is nothing that could be done.

This is a deceptive trick to consumers. On 1 website I found a 14 day trial free risk, on another a 20 day etc. Legitimate companies are concerned with consumers not satisfied but this company could care less. They want there money and who cares about the consumer. Unfortunately I guess I'm out the $75 they charged me but beware to others involved in this company.

Company: Bottom Two Investments
Country: USA
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Bottom Two Investments, Super Foods 12 Company deceptively signs you up for monthly auto ship with no returns when you buy "free trial"

FRAUD - I ordered from an ad, no auto shipment mentioned, but hidden in "terms & conditions" on website

Super Food 12
Unauthorized monthly ship charges... And dont even ship product!

Colon Med 700 - Pomacaicleanse 8663601
Failed to ship 15 day trial until after trial period, then, charged credit card for auto-shipment did not send shipment

MBM&F Acai-aSlim
Deceptive Practices!"Free" trial is by no means free!

Natural Source Store
This company is a huge scam

Bottom Two Investments
Deceptive business practices Wilmington

Beaudify, 41 Media, Lutz, FL
Consumer Report

COLOPURE offers a free trial but charges $38.95 ea. Month after 20 days! They dont make it clear you will be charged more

Advanced Bright
Advance Bright tooth whitening free trial ripoff scam