Mini Credit Report
This company has been billing me since last Feb. For services I never ever ordered


My name is George, I live in Pa. I am sure with all the ripoffs going on out there that no one will read this, but anyway I have been paying for this credit report every month since last Feburary. It seems that this company said I filled out a free credit report (which I never did), And they saw fit to bill me every month for it. It seems that this perticular Co. Can just make up what ever they want, and bill what ever they want. I did at one time notice it on my credit card, thinking it was just part of my regular payment, I just payed it. Well this oversight on my part was brought to my attention and I immediatly cancelled that bogus or should I say bullshit charge. I contacted the fraud department of MINI, and was given the runaround, I do not expect to get any of my money back, but I really hope that someone (even by accident reads this) does not fall victim to this scam and total ripoff. I feel that this Co. Should burn in Hell, or if this is not a option they should at least be in Jail.

Company: Mini Credit Report
Country: USA
State: California
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Mini Credit
They charged my credit card for a report that I never authorizated them to do.internet