

To everyone who has fallen victim to this company, I must say I understand. I have the ultimate Quantum story for you: I joined the company right out of college in New York. I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my BA and just knew I needed to make some money in the mean time to pay off student loans. I received a very professional email asking me to come on an interview with one of their top sales reps. After I was hired I was asked to go on a road trip to scope out new territory. Little did I know, but it was not paid for. We squeezed 9 people into a 2 bed motel room. Girls and guys were sharing one room, and I did not even know these people. It was very uncomfortable. After being promoted to leadership I was elected to move to Florida to help the up-coming office. I was told we would be put up for the fist 3 months and only had to pay 100 dollars for all living expenses those first months. We were also told our gas and re-locating would be paid for. After I got to Florida, I was provided with half of the gas it took to get there. After living in the apartment they set up for us, we were ambushed with the fact that we had to pay water and electric, making the pay 250 a month. I quickly moved up in the company, only to find out people quit faster than I got to know them. The manager lived with 4 of her employees and dated people in the office. However, if an employee was to be found dating someone in the office they were fired. I asked about gas money, since I was only making 200 bucks a week, (we got kicked out of a lot of events so there were not enough some days) I was told I would be given 44 cents to the mile for driving to my own events. That year when I did my taxes, I was not given anything. I started building my team and taking out Day-Of-O's (interviews) and was told how to conduct them. When they asked questions such as what are the health benefits, we were told to lie to them and say we get them once we become a manager, however, OUR OWN MANAGER did not even have health insurance. She broke her ankle during work and Quantum refused to pay for it. I started working 14 hours days because I kept being told I was going to become an assistant manager soon, and after about 4 months of 6 days a week 14 hour days I was hospitalized and was really sick. After being in the hospital for the night my manager told me if I was not at work the next day I would be fired. People that I trained and coach were fired for not having a cell phone, however they refused to pay my cell phone bill which was 600 dollars one month because of the job and my team calling me throughout the day. On top of all of this, I reached my qualifications for assistant management and my manager was told by her manager to fire some people on my team because the company did not have enough money to promote me. (My manager's branch was not making enough money) after about 2 months of having my qualifications and not pushing I finally got the courage to quit. After I quit, I received a bunch of emails from people I trained thanking me for my time and for finally leaving. They said they were only there at that point to get me to management, which never happened. Two weeks after I quit, so many people quit that the office shut down.
Now for all of you people out there with all these excuses for defending Quantum here you go. You are brainwashed. Trust me. I work for a respectable company (the top car insurance company in the US) and I don't know looking back how I lasted so long in Quantum. And yes they do open a lot of sites. But what you fail to see is that EVEN MORE sites close down. I witnessed 2 offices I was in close down, but they keep that on the down low. You are not paid for the morning juice meetings and the settle up time at night. That is illegal folks. Only 5 percent of the money raised goes to the charities and for toys for tots they REUSE the gifts people buy. I was asked to do it! I got as close to the management position as you can get without being a manager. I sat in on phone calls and first round interviews. I spent days in the office doing management work without getting paid and I had a team of 23 people at one point and never pushed. One of my parents is a lawyer and I had all I could do to keep him from suing the company for all of the illegal business ethics and wrongful practices used, because I loved my manager. And maybe it is for some people but you will not make what they tell you that you will make I promise. I lived with my manager for a few months and she could not even pay rent. She had a hard time bringing home 400 dollars a week on top of the fact that the company did not generate money. Sorry to all of you who do not see it yet but you will after you leave. I promise. Ask anyone who left the company, and I am sure the managers will tell you we say this because we did not have what it took to be managers, but I am not a top sales rep (just interviewed for a supervisor position) at the most respectable insurance company in the US and do make the money I was promised. Everyone that leave's there is happy. Good luck if you are there, but all of the brainwashed people needed to know the truth.

Company: Quantum
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 9047378597
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Brainwash much

Quantum Events, Mike Putnam, Home Depot Pyramid Scam
Quantum Events Mike Putnam Home Depot Pyramid scam United Sates

Milwaukee Jobs, Julia Davis, DDM, Quantum, SCAM, Taking Advantage, CULT-LIKE... JUICE JUICE JUICE!
Milwaukee Jobs, Julia Davis, DDM, Quantum, SCAM, Taking Advantage, CULT-LIKE... JUICE JUICE JUICE! I was lied to over and over and over. You don't figure it out until you have been in for a while

T. 2. s. enterprise, Quantum, Innovage
T. 2. S. Enterprise, Quantum, Innovage Don't waste your time at this MLM rip off company brainwashed

Kinetic Inc
Fire Inc. Veritas Inc. CydCor All lies to get you hired

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I got sucked in, and was scared to get out

Silvalining Marketing Company - Quantum
SI JUICE cult fakes as charity to scam people at entry level. The "events" are soliciting. Savannnah