An almost perfect con!


I went online to purchase 2 snuggies. I ordered 2, with only one color choice. Then I was offered an upgrade for fabric and pockets, I went for it!

At this time I believe it seemed like I could choose to have different colors for the first 2 I ordered. I proceeded through, putting 'No' to blankets and then there was the confirmation...$86.70.

You have no opportunity to authorize the invoice. It is over, you are done. You now have 4 snuggies on their way, the Snuggies cost $54.90 and the shipping is $31.80. If I return the 2 I did not know I ordered, I will have to pay to ship them back and of course we don't get any shipping refund.

After this, I tried to call, can't until 24 hours later, tried the internet to locate order, can't until 24 hours later.

I waited and tried again, I got a phone number which is ALWAYS busy.

I have read 2 reports on your website and wished I had seen them before I ordered. They experienced exactly the same as I did.

I am sure they have all the legal i's dotted and t's crossed. But it is set up to take your money in a very shister way.

We have been dupped by a group of people that spend their time trying to work the best cons.

Company: Snuggie
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingfgord
Address: PO Box 3179
Phone: 8006638166
  <     >  


Is a ripoff

Snuggies Blankets
College Snuggies, Snuggies Don't Order From Snuggies / Scam / Website is scam

FreeSnuggie Nothing FREE about "FreeSnuggie!" Shipping & Handling RIP-OFF! Beware!

Snuggie (get
Snuggies ( Snuggies ripped us off. NO oreder delivered and no contact possible.internet

Unfair shipping

Free Snuggie
Don, t snuggle up to FREE SNUGGIES! They won't snuggle you back!

I'm on back order I think for the rest of my life!

Free Snuggie Free snuggie scam

Snuggie Fraud? TV And The

Warning! Beware buyers that the company charged me for each one instead of buy one get one free as they advertised!