Juno Online - NetZero
Obtained my credit card on their own and began charging


Juno online and netzero are the same company. They obtained my credit card number somehow (not from me) and began charging for BOTH juno online and netzero services simultaneously. When I called juno online they asked for my phone number, which of course, was not associated with any account because I DID NOT OPEN AN ACCOUNT.

Since my phone number was not in their system, they asked for my credit card number and name and address, which I provided. Then they found me in their system. They claimed that someone in my home had called with the credit card and set up the Internet services, providing the CVS number on the back of the card. (Must have been my 9 year old, or my 6 year old.

Oh, maybe my husband got confused and decided that we needed another Internet service in addition to the one we already have, and went through an enrollment process to get this great new dial up service instead of our DSL.) Next, I called "netzero" about charges on the same card, only to discover that it was the same company as juno online. The rep kept asking what I wanted to do with the "membership" — I stated that there was no membership to discuss since I did not open an account and I was merely calling about the fraudulent charges they were making on my card.

They finally agreed to credit my account when I kept emphasizing that they did not have my home phone number because: 1) I did not set up and account and, 2) they are not providing me with services. I will be calling my credit card company checking for a credit.

Juno online and Netzero are LYING. They are charging credit card numbers without authorization, and without CVS numbers. They need to be investigated for fraudulent activities.

Company: Juno Online - NetZero
Country: USA
Phone: 8888395866
Site: www.juno.com
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Unauthorized charges

Netzero Fraudulent Charges to Credit Card

UOL Juno NetZero
Juno (ISP) Unauthorized Credit Card Transaction Internet

Online scam

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NETZERO credit card fraud. Bogus charges. Fradulent charges. Never had any business with them. Never visted there website, Nationwide

JUNO>com Fraud

Impossible to cancel a fraudulent account