John Robert Powers JRP
Children talent agency


This place is a scam. They called us to bring our 12 year old daughter for an audition, which we did. We were so thrilled, they called us we thought that our very talented daughter had "been discovered". After a very mpressive presentation, most of which we later found out to be BS, we were called in to an interview. Following the approximately 2 minute interview, our daughter performed during a (very) short audition. We were called back the next day and told how talented our daughter was and that they wanted to sign her up. Naturally we were thrilled. After making 75 minute trip back to JRP, we were told we had to sign up that day or the deal was off. Caught up in the moment and excitement, we wrote a check form 6900 dollars to sign her up. After attending 2 classes the following 2 weeks, we decided the trip was too far every week. My daughter was not impressed with the classes anyway, she felt she was learning nothing and this was taking up our entire sunday afternoon every week. We elected to the contract it is stated that you may cancel at any time and receive a pro rated refund, depending on the number of calsses actually participated in and minus a $100 processing fee. We submitted this request in May. After 6 months of phone calls and threats of civil and publicity action, we finally received a refund check in late November. It bounced!!! We are still fighting with them. Watch out, this place is bad news.

Company: John Robert Powers JRP
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Brookfield
Address: 375 Bishops Way Ste 201
Phone: 2627841800
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Academy Of Cinema And Television, ACT, A.C.T
Funny, Lilly is also the international scout for John Robert Powers. She is a mean vindictive woman. We signed our daughter up with JRP at a cost 8,000 dollars. We also received a notice from ACT saying they would see our daughter too

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