Union Workers Credit Services
I almost got scammed by union workers before I found this web site


I recieved a letter stating if I sent 37.00 I would recieve a credit limit of 10,000 dollars through their catalog only, but checked their website and they would not let me view their catalog until i sent them the check of 37.00 dollars, I searched more on the web and found this web site so thank you for proving me right, I had a bad feeling any how.

Company: Union Workers Credit Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 1327 Empire Central Suite 130
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Union Workers Credit Services
They rip us off for 74 dollars intentionally! We could neverrrrr get there ordering book!

Union Workers Credit Services
Ripoff, promised a $10,000.00 credit limit credit card, never sent anything, provided no phone number or website

Union Workers Credit Services
To to scam $37 out of me for a credit card limit 10K. Please be aware! It a scam!

Union Workers Credit Services
Rip Off Union Workers Credit Services Rip off, mail $37 first then recieve card... Dallas Texas

Union Workers Credit Services
Ripoff paid 37 dollars for membership fee

Union Workers Crdit Services Inc
I tried to book a rent at the website, but this website doesn't exist. I can't contact them

Union Workers Credit Services
Ripoff, This is a Catalog Company where you can only order products from them on credit. The letter never mentions that

Union Workers Credit Services
Platinum Pre-Approved $10,000 credit limit, $37 annual membership fee ripoff

Union Workers Credit Services
I just recieved a letter from Union Workers Credit Services, and although I do belong to a Union this as they say is Too good to be true! And who wants to ONLY use there site to purchase things!?!?

Union Workers Credit Services
Ripoff this company tried to get 37.00 dollars from me and told me I had a 10,000 dollar credit limit with them. Thank god I went to their web site and read about them