Wells Fargo Bank
At Wells Fargo the customer always comes second


I have had accounts with Wells Fargo for several years and when I opened my own business 5 years ago I set up a coroporate account with them. I asked them for a small line of credit in order to cover overdraft protection and build a credit rating for my new business. Given the fact that I had been with them for many years and alredy had a Master Card with them, I figured this should be no problem. They told me that bacause I was a new business they could not extend me a credit line but that if I were to deposit Two Thousand dollars of my own money in a secured account, they would issue a secured MasterCard to my business for that amount and cover overdrafts up to that amount. They assured me that if all went well they would extend a credit line to my business after one year. After a year went by I phoned and requested that they extend the credit line as promised. They told me that they no longer did this and refused to stand by their word. Since that time I have been given the run around by them in numerous ways to many to count. After becoming disgusted with them I walked into my local Farmers State Bank and was immediately offered the credit line. I closed my account with Wells Fago and requested that they return the $2000 that I had put up for the secured credit line. I was informed by the bank Manager in Missoula that If I were to come to the branch and fill out the paperwork I would be handed a check for the amount on the spot. When I arrived I was told that they could not give me the money. I filled out a form and was told that I would recieve a check in the mail. This was over thirty days ago and I have still not received my own money back. I have made numerous reqests by phone and I Have been given the run around every time. I am now in the process of filing suit in order to get back my own money from them.

Wells Fargo Bank has gotten too large. They have an arrogant attitude and treat their customers like second class citizens. They have lost all credibility with me. I would advise anyone thinking about a bank to go elsewhere.

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: Montana
City: Missoula
Site: www.wellsfargobank.com
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