Snuggie can't get story straight on shipment


Placing an order is easy enough, call or click and in a few minutes you're done. The ease stops there... I ordered on the 12/04/08, was told 2 weeks... Perfect for christmas gift. Called 2 weeks later (or tried to) at the 800-566-2888 customer service number that was provided in the email. It takes exactly 8 tries... First three pick up quick then disconnect, then four busy signal calls, 8th gets connected but on hold for about 10 minutes. I did this twice.

First call, the girl on the line says it was on back order but they just came in and they are fulfilling my order, should receive before Christmas. Little frustrated but ok, it's coming in time for Christmas.

Monday the following weeks comes, still no snuggie. Call again (8 call trick) this time a guy answers and says the item was on back order (already got this info, give me something new) they haven't started fulfilling my order yet, could be 4 - 6 weeks.

Yelled and screamed to no avail, cancelled order, filed consumer complaints.

Would not recommend buying from this fly by night operation. You might as well wait for it to show up in walgreens or walmart like most "As seen on TV" products do.

Company: Snuggie
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingford
Address: P.O. Box 3179
Phone: 8887933379
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Snuggie,, Snuggie Blanket With Sleeves,
Snuggie,,, Ordered Snuggie in middle November, never told me it was on backorder until the 3rd phone call

Be prepard to be ripped off: Snuggie There is no way to contact this company to follow-up or change something on your order. Wallinford Internet

Did not order one item they listed. 2 Snuggie Kid Size Neon Green

Order didn't come after 6 weeks. Tried every number provided to contact company with no success

After repeated calls (like 50or more) FINALLY get through just to be told that you cannot change OR CANCEL your orde

Is anyone home at Snuggie?

GPM Snuggie
GPM Snuggie fraud said buy one get one free for $20 charged my card $127.55 instead

Free Snuggie
Don, t snuggle up to FREE SNUGGIES! They won't snuggle you back!

Snuggie Fraud? TV And The
Not to be trusted