Invitation Processing
Big Scam Greatest kep secrets that lead to enourmous wealth


I got this long letter in the mail telling me how they can make me rich with these secrets from the 1800, and how i can win with gambling every day. Telling me i am specially picked by famous people to join their wealth. Why would they do that this is such a rip. But mine said from john not the other lady so their must be different ways they are trying it.

Company: Invitation Processing
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Dover
Address: P.o Box 6304
  <     >  


Invitation processing
Company wants to share with you "Greatest kept secrets" to make you wealthy, famous, powerful, attractive to women

Invitation Processing
Free -membership invitation sound like a scam a secret association that will give you a free 56 page bookletcontaining the greatest kep secrets complealy free of charge and a date line of 3 days to mail it or fax it

Invitatin Processing
Invitation Processing John Scam Sent a letter telling you that you were picked specially by celebrities to get a FREE 56 page pamphlet

Invitation Processing
Kirsten Hart Greatest Kept Secrets! You possess very special traits. Wealth, Love, Happiness and Total peace of mind

Greatest Kept Secrets
According to them i have rare abilities viewed by famous people. What a joke!

John Finn, Invitation Processing
The Association, Neo-Tech, basically anything with Neo in the front. Whose special? You're special! At least that's what Invitation Processing would like you to think

Invitation Processing-best Kept Secrets
Invitation Processing, invitation Processing-best Kept Secrets best kept secrets invitation processing

John@Greatestkeptsecretsinvitationprocessing Manuscript # 44156-Q
It turns out you're more special than any of us imagined!

Invitation Processing - greates Kept Secrets
Special invitation Secret society. FREE 56-page booklet containing exclusive secrets. Financial success

Kirsten Hart
Same scam reported in 2005 is recirculating