Extra charge on my visa


Sent for a months free sample just pay shipping and handling. Gave visa number. Shipping cgharge went on my account, then this month a charge from price limbo for 10.81. I had phoned the company before and told a rep to cancel as i did not want any more, and she assurred me it had been done. Phoned the number on my credit card and talked to a fellow and he told me they are associated with price limbo but account would be cancelled and acredit given. Told him what I tought but went on the internet and found out about this company. I am sure I talked again this morning to one of there reps as the phone number was totally different from the one I first called but to make a long story short the girl this morning told me I should have checked off a box that says do not let price limbo charge told her there was no such box to check off and that this company does rip offs. Do not expect to get a credit but just want to make people aware be very carefull what you do over the internet and especailly if you are living in Canada. Had this happen to with an acne product that was returned to company and never did get a credit.

Keewatin, Ontario

Company: Nubodi
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8773508480
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Price Limbo
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