Covenant Transport
Current Employee Agrees With All Other Reports... Covenant is a bad place to work


Covenant Transport is guilty of what is said out here and so much more. New employees are given little information, only false hopes. During training if the new driver is fortunate enough to get a favored trainer, they will get adequate miles. After training however, they are on their own.

If they fit into the underground culture chances are good for surviving, but for those who do not want any part of drugs, drinking, and have nothing to offer in return... A home in a vacation area large enough for entertaining; sexual favors from females; gifts to dispatch;... The company's motto is "give us enough of your time to get government funds for hiring you and then go away, this is a private party".

It's a mill for running students through, and the most entertaining last the longest. There is a minority of those who do seem to live a Christian life in the Administration, but are blind sheep. Some drivers manage to break all laws concerning hours of service while others are starved out of their jobs, lucky to get a bus ticket home. DOT does a ridiculously poor job of monitoring or comparing hours ran.

I personally was told by TN Dept of Labor it takes 3 joint complaints to file at Federal level and there are no protections for employees at State level. It's very difficult to find 3 employees willing to risk what they think they have in a job, until they've moved on separated from those met.

It's scary to even have conversations with those who are there because so many long term employees will tell on anyone who speaks negatively about the company and short termers don't have much as much vested, are desparately trying to fit in, while being warned about "negative people". Rumors abound that listening devices are installed in rooms, trucks and common areas.

If anyone were to get a class action suit going against Covenant that is open to both present and past employees, they would certainly shake down the house. So many come and go. I would be the first in line to sign up. But like so many others I'm afraid to put too many identifying remarks out here. Is easy to say just find another job, but that's not easy in today's economy and too many jobs on record is damaging. Prisoner of the road.

Company: Covenant Transport
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
Address: 400 Birmingham Hwy
Phone: 8007215202
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Covenant Transport
Terrible place to work in

Covenant Transport
Awful company

Covenant Transportation
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Covenant Transport
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Covenant Transport
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Covenant Transportation
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Covenant Transport

Southern Refrigerated Transport
Used to be a GREAT company. Not anymore

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Covenant Transport
Ripoff theives cheats and liars Chattanooga