Process At Home By Angel Stevens
Predatory, fraudulant, unethical and illegal actions by Angel Stevens - Process at Home


Process at Home (83) and Angel Stevens (123) as of this writing have a total of (206) complaints filed against them. I am a mid level corporate manager who has been unemployed for over 8 months. Unable to find work in the open market I turned to the Internet. Although not new to the internet, I am a "noobie" to e-commerce and all the work at home "opportunities" that are being offered today. I thought I was being intelligent by doing my due dilligence in my investigation for legtimate work at home businesses.

My online investigation led me to a site by a Dr. Richard Andrew Stera, Chairman of "Dr. Stera's" organization represents itself to be an online advovate's group for the consumer, ever vigilant for predatory, unethical and or other unsavory charactors looking to rob you of your money. This particular site (look it up - it's beautifly crafted!) goes into specific detail about well over 100 companies they tested for integrety and discovered only 3 that made the cut - Process At Home being one of them.

I went to this site and paid $197.00 by credit card (like a fool). I down loaded the recommended ebook and did all I was told to over the next several days, I was now ready to start making money and apply what I had been studying. Big surprise, URL's don't work, company telephone numbers don't work and worst of all I realized that much more money was needed to be spent in order to have any chance at success. "Angela Stevens" has life coaches that try to sell you on training programs costing thousands of dollars and over priced web site costs.

Well here is the kicker - This entire operation is a scam operated by a person called Michael Allen Brooks of los Angeles, Ca. Sift through The Rip off Reports and do a little more digging. You will discover that there are several dozen websites with different names all having the same telephone numbers. This operation in it's entirety is a scam personified. They should be investigated (which they presently are) and held to the strictest penalty under law and banned from ever doing business in this country. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that their domicile is - get this - Themistokli Dervi, 12 City of Nicosia Palais D'Ivoire, Cyprus. Only after it's too late do you find all this stuff out! I'm waiting for a response from Merchant Services. I must say in conclusion that had I known about complaint first instead of the hard way, I never would have been in this position. I have checked numerous companies here and this site really is outstanding. Keep up the good work! I hope you are smarter than me and are reading this before and not after you spend $197.00 or more!

Company: Process At Home By Angel Stevens
Country: Cyprus
City: Nicosia
Address: Themistokli Dervi, 12 Palais D'ivoiren Nicosia, PC 1066, Cyprus
Phone: 8003817820
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SiteReviewAuthority, Process At Home, Angel Stevens, And ClickandBuy
Process At Home, Angel Stevens And ClickandBuy And SiteReviewAuthority, Dr. Stera SRA endorses Process at Home, then ClickandBuy says your payment was rejected AFTER your account was debited

Process At Home, angela Penbrook/angel Stevens
Process At Home, angela Penbrooke/angel Stevens? Process At Home, angela Penbrook/angel Stevens? She is a

Angel Stevens
@processathome. ComAngel Stevens angel stevens process @ home ripoffs

Angel Stevens Process At Home
Don't Get Fooled By This One

Angel Stevens Process At Home
Rip Off Did not do what they promised!

Angel Stevens -
Angel Stevens Process Rebates from Home

Angel Stevens
Liar, scam artist lied on your web site (can't find your web site now!) took my money & ran i'm sick and angry

Process From Home, Aka Angel Stevens
Process From Home, Angel Stevens Advertised EASY schemes for making money at home at no $... BUT her program costs $150 & it's NOT easy!

Angel Stevens - Process At Home
Work at home, rebates, extra cash, no boss, free training

Angel Stevens -
Angel Stevens - Work Angela Penbrook is now operating as Angel Stevens