Industrial Custom Finishing Of Wisconsin
Jim Crissman Owner Of Industrial Customer Finishing Of Wisconsin Crissman is a psycho, alcholic, a major abuser and evil evil evil


Heads up on this one. I went to work for Crissman through a local temp agency. This guy is crazy, mean and psycho. He pops a beer in the morning and hits the hard stuff in an hour then he starts calling everyone names and abuses his employees.By the time he leaves he has a hard time walking. I worked there for about 6 months last year and it was like working for Hannibel Lechter. 1 of my friends still works there and he said he is real bad now. I saw him beat up one guy last year and the cops came and arrested him.

My friend said he has really been picking on this gay guy that works there and I told my friend to have him call the cops on Crissman because it is against the law to pick on gay people.

Crissman thinks he is a real tough guy and shoves and pushes people around. Then when he figures he has done enough harm to them he will turn real nice hoping no one calls the cops on him. One moment he is nice and the next moment he is yelling and calling you the F word. I think it is the only word he knows. The guy is not to smart and meaner then mean.

One guy that worked there said he had been in prison in another state for murder before he started his company here. No one has been able to find out if that is true. The way he treats people I would put money on it that he did murder someone or beat them up bad. He is always mean and nasty to everyone that works there. I could not wait to get out of that place. I have never been treated so badly at any job as I was at his place. My friend told me last night he is getting out of there to before the guy goes psycho on him.

Warning warning warning. He only hires temp workers and people that no one would miss if they disappeared. So if you are a temp worker and you get this message tell the agency you do not want to go to this company to work for this psycho.

Company: Industrial Custom Finishing Of Wisconsin
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Deforest
Address: 809 Burton Blvd
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