The University Of Phoenix
If Every One just would Have Researched 1st including myself Phoenix


Hello to all, Let me start by saying that I have read mutiple inquires and all of them applied to me. I was online looking up a job and while I was searching my information was auto filled into The University Of Phoenix site in the first place. Right when I was at the end of the courses they dropped me from the Gen 105 class.

It took them two months just to get my finacial aid squared away and when they knew that everything was going to be processed they dropped me from the class. LOL They did that so they can have me retake it anyways for that company to gain money. I'm not an expert but I have seen and heard of many scams before. So now they are going to make me reschedule the class and repayfor it.

I don't think its fair because I attended that class as well as the other one. They knew that I lost acess to the web but they didn't offer Leave of Absecence or no kind of support, I actually got emailed and called everyday but they offered nothing and by me not knowing that they could have offered a Leave Of absence, So my Finances is squared away and they are holding $2,000 for me to pay for next classes that I'm not going to take.

When you have a refund due its due to the student not the school my other classes are already paid for that I have already took. I look over and over on they site and the FAFSA site about withdrawing and the cost but it only say refer to your academic counselor and they just have nothing but lies to tell you, They out for the money and thats it.

Company: The University Of Phoenix
Country: USA
Address: 8157 East Elwood Street
Phone: 8003669699
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University Of Phoenix
Dropped me from classes, in less than one day, and are saying I owe them almost three thousand dollars for classes. All I did was ask them for a form to return my student loan. Arizona

University Of Phoenix
$1,300 in two days

Universityof Phoenix Axia College
University Of Phoenix, Axia College is a joke!

University of phoenix
Stay away from university of phoenix-trying to collect for a class i did not attend

University Of Phoenix Online
Big ripoff

University Of Phoenix
Ripoff! UOP are billing me for a class that was retaken after stating financial aid would cover it. Arizona

University of Phoenix
Ripped me off by charging me for two classes I did not take

University Of Phoenix
Student in pain because of one class

Axia College University Of Phoenix
False advertisement, discouraged, rip off

University of Phoenix Online
I have been hoodwinked by the university of phoenix!