Complete SCAM! Rude employees! No reasoning!


So we recently realized that a company had been fraudulently charging our credit card for 3 years. Upon realizing this, the credit card company immediately canceled the card and issued new. Low and behold... The company now has the nerve to send an invoice and call demanding money. The credit card didn't work and it hasn't even stopped them! Should we have looked at our statements more closely? Of course, but the problem has been identified and payment has been stopped.

I called the 800 number today and spoke with "Luke"... He's a feisty little devil. When I told him we weren't paying for services that we never signed up for he became quite hostile and began yelling at me.

I guess I should say - we're being charged $799.00 for "Enhanced Graphic Profile" including coupons, website link, color logo, print catalog and other internet services. We're a salvage yard... We don't have a computer, a logo, coupons or any of the above that we've already paid for the last 3 years. I didn't demand a refund for the years prior I demanded that going forward they stop and I'm not paying the current bill. I'm also demanding that they quit calling and harassing and stop with the "past-due" invoices. Well, they can continue sending but we're not paying.

I ended up hanging up on "Luke" because of the way he was yelling at me. You would think if someone was trying to fraudulently trying to get money out of you they would at least be nice. Oh no...

After doing research on the internet I've found that or NBIE has quite the reputation... Wow. Apparently we're not the only victim of this form of a business scam! They also have a cease and desist order in North Dakota and the BBB does not recommend doing business with this organization without asking about all the negative reports prior to engaging in business... Oh wait, you don't have the choice of engaging - they do it for you!

I have filed complaints with the BBB as well as the Federal Trade Commission and The Canadian Competition Bureau.

Please beware of any charges on your credit card from Cinex, this is how our credit card was being charged - yet another business name!

Don't fall for their invoices or phone calls without doing your homework first!

Company: NBIE
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Chesapeake Beach
Address: 6226 4th Street
Phone: 8007650508
  <     >  

Fraud" "Fraud

Sent false invoice for services not rendered or ever ordered

LUKe is really making me MAD! I've been online for 3 days this week filing complaint daily against this scam. Please do the same!

Daily calls from Luke looking for payment for telecom directory we never authorized

NBIE - Your Company Listing
Internet scam, bogus billing, fake invoices, harassment ripoff

Merchants' Credit Guide
Ripoff ~ Pinnacle Credit Services for Sears account credit card debt was incured about 20 years ago and had been settled over 15 years ago Same company working with the Alyon scam on this site!

National Action Financial Services, Pinnacle Credit Services, HRSI
Bottom Feeders, grasping at little bits of info, no proof or details offered

Vista Print, Business Max 123
Vista Print - Business Max 123 Business Max 123 Charged my credit card every month without my approval

Swanson Walker and Associates
Consumer Report
My credit card was charged without my knowledge