Dogg Digital Audio
Ripped off and scammed They Say Seattle


Just last week I was at a stop light and these two guys ask me to roll down my window and give me the same story that everyone else was given. They were sent the wrong ones or had too many or whatever. They showed me an invoice and everything and I even asked them to hook them up to my car stereo so I at least knew they worked and they did.

The ones I got sound pretty shitty and I swallowed their story whole. I was planning to sell them on ebay and I was looking around to see how much I should expect to get and all I find is websites like this one. I paid 500 bucks for the Dogg Digital SL 1100 series and now i'm not sure I can get anything. Keep your eye out for these punks they were in a white mini van said they were on their way to Seattle.

Spokane, Washington

Company: Dogg Digital Audio
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Spokane WA
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Dogg Digital Audio
Here is the real address and phone# for Dogg Digital