Kim Walker
Kim Walker - United States Credit card fraud, mail fraud fraud, Theft, extortion


Beware, she is a professional scam artist working out of

1904 Evergreen Ln
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
United States

IP Address: -

She will simply apply for several credit cards, fulfill her shopping addiction by making purchases online, once she receives confirmation that package is on her way she will issue charge backs over and over, several online merchants are looking for this label junkie, she is also involved in some extortion techniques


Company: Kim Walker
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Hattiesburg
Address: 1904 Evergreen Ln
Phone: 6015204785
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Tom Or Thomas Whittaker - Marks Insurance Agency Deptford
Tom Or Thomas Whittaker Tom Or Thomas Whittaker From Depford - Marks Insurance Agency BEWARE, CREDIT CARD FRAUD, THEFT, EXTORTION, DEFAMATION

Michelle Pratt
Online Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Mail Fraud, Extortion, Insurance Fraud

Amy Jones Walker
Amy Walker Artist Con woman, FRAUD, Thief

Nasseem Moradi, DR. Sandra Moradi, Laika House, North Liberty Iowa
Nasseem Moradi, DR. Sandra Moradi, Laika House, North Liberty active in mail fraud, credit card fraud, defamation, and Internet extortion

Rosenthal, Stein & Assoc
Agent C. Walker Stating I have committed fraud and need to resolve this matter. Didnt sound right, to me. So i investigated online and low and behold, its a RipOff scam. Stating I committed credit card fraud through

Michael Filimoniuk
Michael Filimonuk I was a victim of "Theft by Deception" and "Theft by Extortion"
Authorized Vendor List: Class action against and all vendors

800 notes
800 notes possible extortion

Lastarya Tucker
Lastarya Tucker is a prostitute with a history of fraud and theft

Good best investment
Illegal / unusual / fraud/extortion of money from people exporting goods from united states into nigeria new jersey