Hargrave & Associates
What a Joke of a company


Signed up for their services back in September, contract states for 4 months received correspondence from EQ, TU but not EX waited a couple of days then sent off those two copies, now i check my 3-1 report pretty much daily and had not noticed anything, so i say i will call them today! Low and behold i get a call from a guy BSS Financial Services, stating they have bought out Hargrave & Associates and if I still wanted to continue with the service that it would cost me $50 a month to go ahead and get started. I flat out told him no and lose my number and what happened to my $250 that i paid hargrave, of course he stated he did not know and that he would be my rep from here on out.

My question is they have not honored their supposed contract and i am only 2 months into it any suggestions, I think we all should get together and do something about if anything can be done, open for suggestions.

Company: Hargrave & Associates
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 3450 Dunn Avenue Suite #101
Phone: 9047681988
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Hargrave And Associates
Hargrave and Associates agreed to repair my credit and help to educate me on keeping my credit straight

Hargrave And Associates / BFS Credit Solutions
Hargrave and Associates are at it again

Hargrave And Associates
JACKSONVILLE, FL Hargrave And Associates - Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions I was ripped off. Jacksonville Florida

Hargrave And Associates
Stole my money and did nothing notice! FTC shuts down Hargrave & Associates, bank accounts frozen!

Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions
Hargrave And Associates - I was ripped off

Hargrave And Associates
Paid 250 dollars for a credit scam

Hargrave And Associates
Claimed to clear up my credit in 90 days for 280.00

Hargrave And Associates Financial Solutions
They took my $270.00! No services were rendered. They ripped me off! I want my money back!

Hargrave & Associates
Rip off - paid fee, recieved no service

Hargrave And Associates
Took money and did not give services repair credit