Reportage R.E.A
Jackets Italian guys ripoff


Same thing happened to me today Nov 7th in Huntington Beach, CA at WAMU I cant believe I got suckered into this as well I went to the bank to deposit my check come out and this guy looks Italian holding a map comes up to me asks me if I'm Italian talks to me in an Italian accent says he speaks little English says he is from Italy and walks me to his car asks if I like Armani clothes which I happen to and shows me six R.E. A Reportage jackets I thought that's what they would be called in Italy looked like nice jackets and says if I can give him $300 for it I said $100 the most says please he needs to pay for the rental car which was a white Chrysler 300 shows me his passport as well as his buddy who is in the driver seat I tell them I cant the driver says they just got all their money stolen from these girls they were with and when they woke up all their money was gone says his dad cant send western union money to him because banks in Italy are closed they said they are in the fashion business one of them seemed to cry in front of me when I told him I would help him out said thank you gives you hugs and asks and seems very likable then he says he hasn't eaten and if I can pay him more and I can't believe I give them $500 he said he would call me the day he gets back to Italy and send me even more money back western union even gave me their info Salvato Re 329-97-73-721 cell 081-44-68-01 home www.2emorioarmani. It and mattia salvati Via. Roma 117 www.morafashion. It 00139 5638187 these guys are good neatly dressed one had a rolex on strong emotions good accent I felt sorry for them and decided to help them out had no idea what so ever they were con men they seem real genuine when you meet them well I'm not going to get angry isn't worth it but I hope these guys learn their lessons who take advantage of honest and sincere people let your friends know guys.

Company: Reportage R.E.A
Country: USA
State: California
City: Huntington Beach
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