Department of Human Services
Dealing with someone with a grudge it seems


This has been a long time coming. I wrote in because they are trying to pin child support on my boyfriend because he was working on the road and when I called to let DHS know that I was moving I informed them that my boyfriend was not on my lease because he was working by Minnesota at the time of my move. I recently had recieved papers of child support, and I called in to find out if they were going after my boyfriend or my ex husband for child support (because in the state of iowa biological means crap if you are legally still married). Darlene said they were going after him because she said that I told her in Aug. That he was working out of town. I did tell her that he was working out of town and not in the home very often because I wasn't going to lie and then later on get in trouble for it. When I was discussing this with her she would not get off what I had stated to her about my boyfriend working out of town. I never wanted child support taken from my boyfriend and I understand that sometimes DHS has to take thing into their own hands but this worker has made me feel as if she has a grudge against me. This was not the only time the worker and I have had words. Back in November of right when I left my husband I had at first custody of my two children and then joint custody of them with the kids being with me more then 51 percent of the time. And I had put title 19 on the boys after I lost my job in 2004. Some how the worker pulled the kids off of my name on title 19 to put them on my ex husbands WITHOUT a written decree stating that he had full custody of them. She just told me at that time that he had told her that he had custody of the kids and that was enough for her. I feel that everytime that I talk with this woman that she for some reason has a grudge against me. I, like most of the rest of the world needs a little help when it comes to money but I will not ask for government help from these individules that treat me like I'm a piece of garbage. I paid in alot of money to the government and the state and I have felt like I have to break through brick buildings just to get any help. I will not be treated this way and I will publish this with the editor also.

Company: Department of Human Services
Country: USA
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