E.N.E. Of West Virginia
Rip-off of Employee's Overtime wages and Insurance = Dirty SOB's


I am writing this report, because that for the time that I was employed at this (Vietnamese owned and operated) plastic bag manufacturing plant for 1 1/2 years, I witnessed "significant problems" with management. I am reporting the non-payment on overtime hours of employees, insurance fraud (which consisted of three months worth of deducted insurance premiums =$900.00 total, from my paycheck).

I found out in the forth month, that the company hadn't even been paying the premiums to Blue Cross Blue Shield of W.V., and therefore I am responsible for any bills incurred in that period ($600.00 worth to date). On January 24th the plant shut down without giving any advance notice to it's 30 employees. E.N.E. Of W.V. Has an oustanding loan totaling 1.4 million dollars with the state and a local bank, which all may be lost now. Earlier this fall, Hai Doung, the manager here, opened a new plant in Oklahoma, which is odd-with all the problems we had here.

This shut-down may or may-not have been planned, but some things I noticed might support it. The main plant is located in Los Angeles (City of Industry) as well are the owners. Any help would be appreciated in this matter. Thank You, By the way E.N.E. Stands for Excellence in Economics =Ha! Ha! Ha!

Company: E.N.E. Of West Virginia
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
City: Millwood
Address: 115 Jack Burlingame Dr
Phone: 3042730458
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