CRM Rewards Department
Crm rewards department letter scam!


I received a letter in the mail recently and just opened it a couple of days ago. When I looked at it I thought it was very plain and strange! It says the same thing that everyone else has said on here: We are trying to reach you with Good News! It is very important that you call us Toll Free at: 1-800-449-3596. Thank you, Lisa Eastwood Rewards Department Supervisor.

Strangely it says call 10:55am to 9:00pm EST time Monday thru Friday and 11:30am to 5:30pm on Saturdays. Not many businesses have a calling time of 10:55am!

Also, the layout of this paper is way off and not professional at all, there are spacing mistakes and font mistakes, which makes it seem homemade. It also provided me with a "PIN" number.

I haven't tried to contact these people nor do I intend on doing so. I had a feeling it was some type of scam and when I decided to search the company name online I came upon all of these reports! It just makes me wonder how they choose the people they send it to. I live in North Carolina and have no clue how they came upon my name and address!

Company: CRM Rewards Department
Country: USA
State: California
City: Bakersfield
Address: 501 40th Street Bldg. A
Phone: 00018004493596
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