Unable to cancel shipments


I have called Hydroderm several times to cancel and return my remaining product and END the automatic debits to my credit card and the automatic shipping of more product to me.
I find this company impossible to contact.
I was given a user name and password and was told in a letter included with my free trial product, that I could manage my account online and even cancel.
There is no online access to any customer account.

I have repeatedly called the customer service number to request an RMA so that I can return this product and get off the hamster wheel.

On one call after being told I was #16 in line and so left the queue. This morning I got up early to be able to call as soon as the lines opened at 6 am, first call I was 5th in line, then wound my way down to 1st&the canned music stopped, I listened to a clear line for 9 minutes and then was cut off. I called back twice after this and got a busy signal both times.

Like most people I don't have time to play with this all day long and do need my telephone for business.
If anyone can direct me to the NAMES of the CEO and others to write to and call, I would love that.

Company: Hydroderm
Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
Address: 8500 Higuera
Phone: 8008145771
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Cancel Product


Unauthorized billing

"Free" trial product entitles you to bogus membership

I've never ordered their product

Identity theft

Hydroderm - IMX Hydroderm
Ripoff, double talk, false advertisement, get rich quick scheme

Unauthorized charges

Ripoff "free" trail size isn't They ship 1st supply within 14 days & charge your credit card

Hydroderm Fraud