Homecomings - GMAC
Forclosed on three times!


We purchased our home in 2005. We had paid on time and over what our payments were supposed to be, until our daughter got kicked by a horse and had to be in Children's Hospital for 10 days with major surgery to her brain. Gmac was quite nice, as they could be, and said they understood and we could send our payment in and fill out a form to refigure our loan. Needless to say, it snowballed from there. We had nothing but problems from there. We got behind on our payments, they never sent the form for us to fill out, and we were in need of much help. We finally got to the point that they were going to foreclose on our house, and we agreed to sign a deed-in-lieu. We filled it out twice, and sent it in. Never getting a response from anyone. I called them every day, to try not to lose our house, for twwo months. No one there knew anything. We moved out of the house thinking we would have to file bankruptcy and lose the house we dearly loved. Five months later we got a notice in the mail telling us we could have our house back and work out an agreement to repay our loan and start over. $4000 later, we still had no one call us to refigure our loan or do anything to help. I sent in our regular payment and they returned it telling me it wasn't the amount we had agreed on and was in the wrong form of payment. Again, I called every day trying to talk to someone about this and get the man on the phone that was supposed to help us. This went on for six months. Then, one day a lady showed up at our house and said she had a paper to put up on our door and not for us to take it down. This was a realestate agent. She had no idea what was going on, but had been told that our house was going up for sale at an auction. News to me! We got the foreclosure papers the next day. Again, I tried to call and see what was going on. They said again, we will research this and call you back within 48 hours. The same response I had gotten for six months! Each time I called, I talked to a different person. I couldn't begin to list their names, because there were too many!
Then 2 more people came out and put up another paper saying the house had been foreclosed on and we could call this number to get assistance with relocating. Of course, I called only to get a voice mail that was always full and never talked to a person from that part of the company. We NEVER got an eviction notice and just chose to move out before someone else showed up at our door saying they owned our house now. My husband and I moved our major stuff out to another house that we found. We still had some of our stuff in the house and thought we had some time since we never had been served an eviction notice. Wrong again! I went to get some more of our things to put in storage and they had changed the locks, moved our stuff we still had in there, and took all of our stuff! Inside and out! My Christmas tree and all the things that went with that, my girls' swingset and trampoline, my husband's collection of dub city cars, things that I had from when I was a baby that I had saved for my girls, our grills, my girls' beds, my dining room table and chairs, and so many other things that I can't even think of. I can't get anyone to answer my calls to tell me where my things are, and when I called the regular number for GMAC, the girl I talked to said, "The things that were there are probably in a dumpster somewhere. I can't help you."
My whole family is SO upset about all of this, and especially my girls. I hope that if anyone is considering buying a house through these people know what they are in for.
The real kicker of this story is that they are still calling and telling me we are behind in our payments and want to know when we can get caught up!!! This company is the biggest rip off I've ever encountered. And they will take your things without notice! I still call every day, hoping they will answer and tell me where our things are, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Anyone using these people, beware!

Linden, Texas

Company: Homecomings - GMAC
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Ft. Worth
Address: PO Box 961247
Phone: 8002062901
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