Wuyi Source
Wufi Sourcewuyi Source withdrawing fund from my account unauthourized and giving to others to withdraw from my account


I recently ordered a free 14day trial wuyi tea from this company. I recieved it a few days later and 2 days after that I began another company began taken money out of my account. The day I called my bank to have it stopped only 2 days later they were yet drawing more money from my account. I immediatly began to stop all binds with this company. I mailed the trial product back priority mail (Sept. 17th) was delivered (Sept. 19th), I did everything I was directed to do and on Sept. 25th another withdraw for 59.95 was taken from my bank. It was returned after several nonpleasant phone calls on Oct. 1, but resulted in a $22.50 overdraft to my account.

In further research of this company I am scared that this may go on for quit some time. I never order thing online, because I was scared of just this kind of company. I am very disappointed that companies like this can keep advertising and not be shut down for good.

Company: Wuyi Source
Country: USA
State: California
City: Ontario
Phone: 8664495567
Site: wuyisource.com
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