National Business Directories
Claimed it was a free listing, then sent past due invoice for $299.00


National business directories said listing would be free, then started sending past due invoices for 299.00

Company: National Business Directories
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 130 Church St #365
  <     >  


National Business Directories Corporation
Beware of this company

National Business Directories Corporation
Asking for Payment

National Business Directories Corporation
Offered to list my company in its "Directory, " w/out mention any charge for the listing — Only theat the directory was "FREE." Now I've been billed $199.00 for the "inclusion!"

National Business Directories Corporation
Is a scam!

National Business Directories Corporation
National Business Directories Corporation is a Scam

International Directories Corporation
Faxed free book scam then charged me $249.00 for book. We did not pay

International Directories Corporation
Receive frequent faxed invoices that have my signature cut and pasted on a past due notice

International Directories Corporation
Receive frequent faxed invoices on a past due notice, for a free book charged out at $199.00

ADTEL AMERICA - Yellow Pages Directories - Nationwide America's Pride
SCAM Report ripoff Misleading false advertising

Yellow Pages Directories
I updated our address and got charged $327.00 by a collection agency